An RN Health Coach Counselor in Weight Loss is a personal advocate for making the right choices to live a healthy, energized life. Using a truly holistic approach to managing the weight loss process, all behavioral concerns are addressed including smoking, exercise and other life choices that impact weight and health; this includes managing the medical issues, spiritual and emotional issues
as well.
The National Wellness Institute has adopted the following definition of Wellness: “Wellness is a process of becoming aware of and making choices toward a more successful existence.”
Often weight loss efforts come after the weight has taken its toll on the client’s life. Joints are damaged, diabetes has occurred, heart conditions are starting to impact the quality of life of the client. The path from wellness to illness follows a series of signs, symptoms and disabilities prior to illness and premature. The most successful models for weight loss focus on awareness, education and growth rather than rapid reduction through strict dieting and strenuous exercise. Wellness models that embrace the complexity of weight loss will have the most success.
The profession of health coaching is a merger of the worlds of psychology, training, business and counseling. The rapid increase in obesity has fueled the need for real solutions.
The Health Coach is at the heart a motivator, trying to inspire, encourage and enable clients to reach their goals. The unique qualifications of RN Health Coaches allow their vast experience, medical training and education to come together to facilitate the weight loss process for their clients.
Benefits of Health Coaching
Even under ideal conditions, weight loss is a difficult process. A lifetime of bad habits, little or no exercise, a sedentary lifestyle and the ever-increasing portion sizes of today’s meals have created seriously adverse conditions to successful weight loss.
The difference an RN Health Coach makes is the significant factor of making sure the client is not alone in the fight. A coach, by definition, is there to craft the best possible results, strengthen the strengths and minimize the weaknesses, and to make the person accountable, responsible and successful.
One of the fundamental differences in coaching is that the process is more supportive than
education or training. In one study, the top 4 words associated with “COACHING” were: supportive, empowering, holistic and inspirational, while the words associated with “training” was prescriptive, rigid and intimidating.
An RN Health Coach can aid the weight loss process in many ways including:
· Setting Goals.
· Identifying the barriers to weight loss.
· Educating the client about weight loss options.
· Encouraging and engaging physical activity.
· Empowering lifestyle changes.
· Breaking the daunting task down into manageable steps.
· Motivating the client to stay on track.
· Celebrating success.
· Providing accountability.
· Assisting with goal milestones
The combination of motivation, education, experience and role modeling a healthy and successful lifestyle, creates a collaborative process between the RN Health Coach and the client.