The hamstrings are the prominent tendons found at the back of the knee, and they attach the large muscles at the back of the thigh to the bone. Hamstring muscles are actually composed of three muscles: the bicep fermoris, semitendinosus and the semimembranosus. It is important to exercise hamstrings to help prevent hamstring injury, increase stamina in cardiovascular activities, improve endurance and athletic performance, prevent or improve lower back pain and sciatica pain and prevent knee injuries.
The original definition of “hamstringing” was to cut the hamstring of a person or animal, rendering the victim unable to walk or run. The hamstring muscles allow the knee to bend and allow the hip to straighten or extend. The hamstrings play a very important role in many daily activities, such as running, jumping, climbing and walking. Because of their frequent use, the hamstrings are one of the most likely muscle groups to become injured. Becoming familiar with hamstring exercises can help you keep your hamstring muscles strong and healthy.
The original definition of “hamstringing” was to cut the hamstring of a person or animal, rendering the victim unable to walk or run. The hamstring muscles allow the knee to bend and allow the hip to straighten or extend. The hamstrings play a very important role in many daily activities, such as running, jumping, climbing and walking. Because of their frequent use, the hamstrings are one of the most likely muscle groups to become injured. Becoming familiar with hamstring exercises can help you keep your hamstring muscles strong and healthy.
The American Council on Exercise suggests performing both equipment- and non-equipment-based exercises for the hamstring muscles. Hamstring curls with a stability ball are an effective way to strengthen the hamstrings. Several hamstring exercises can be performed with dumbbells or barbells, such as the dumbbell lunge, good-mornings and the stiff-legged dead lift. Body weight exercises, such as the jump squat and hamstring bridge, help strengthen the hamstrings. The hamstring curl machine may be used at the gym as well.
The American Council on Exercise suggests performing both equipment- and non-equipment-based exercises for the hamstring muscles. Hamstring curls with a stability ball are an effective way to strengthen the hamstrings. Several hamstring exercises can be performed with dumbbells or barbells, such as the dumbbell lunge, good-mornings and the stiff-legged dead lift. Body weight exercises, such as the jump squat and hamstring bridge, help strengthen the hamstrings. The hamstring curl machine may be used at the gym as well.
Hamstring exercises and stretches are vital to prevent injury to the leg muscles. The hamstring muscles are often weaker than their counterparts, the quadriceps, and when an imbalance exists between these two muscles, the risk of injury to that muscle group increases. Hamstring exercises are also beneficial in that they may lengthen your stride, give you more power, improve your balance, decrease or prevent lower back pain, ease or prevent sciatica pain and stabilize or prevent injury of your knees.
Hamstring exercises and stretches are vital to prevent injury to the leg muscles. The hamstring muscles are often weaker than their counterparts, the quadriceps, and when an imbalance exists between these two muscles, the risk of injury to that muscle group increases. Hamstring exercises are also beneficial in that they may lengthen your stride, give you more power, improve your balance, decrease or prevent lower back pain, ease or prevent sciatica pain and stabilize or prevent injury of your knees.
The hamstring muscles are very susceptible to tears and strains. Hamstring exercises for injury prevention should meet the following criteria: multiple joint, closed kinetic chain and eccentric in nature. The term “closed kinetic chain” refers to exercises that involve weight bearing and are performed where either the hand (for upper body exercises) or the foot (for lower body exercises) is fixed and cannot move. Active, dynamic stretching and warm-up of the hamstrings is a crucial element in the prevention of hamstring injuries.
The hamstring muscles are very susceptible to tears and strains. Hamstring exercises for injury prevention should meet the following criteria: multiple joint, closed kinetic chain and eccentric in nature. The term “closed kinetic chain” refers to exercises that involve weight bearing and are performed where either the hand (for upper body exercises) or the foot (for lower body exercises) is fixed and cannot move. Active, dynamic stretching and warm-up of the hamstrings is a crucial element in the prevention of hamstring injuries.
Although the hamstrings are often overlooked and weaker than the quadriceps, even in well-trained athletes, the opposite can also be true, especially in runners. Overtraining the hamstrings can make the quadriceps more susceptible to injury. When training and exercising your hamstrings, it is important to keep the quadriceps and the hamstrings balanced. Hamstring exercises can also become dangerous if the exercise is attempted with eights that are too heavy or for an excessive number of repetitions. Know your limits when performing any hamstring exercise, and immediately stop if you feel pain.
Although the hamstrings are often overlooked and weaker than the quadriceps, even in well-trained athletes, the opposite can also be true, especially in runners. Overtraining the hamstrings can make the quadriceps more susceptible to injury. When training and exercising your hamstrings, it is important to keep the quadriceps and the hamstrings balanced. Hamstring exercises can also become dangerous if the exercise is attempted with eights that are too heavy or for an excessive number of repetitions. Know your limits when performing any hamstring exercise, and immediately stop if you feel pain.
* Save Your Knees: Hamstring Muscle Injuries
* Project Swole: What Is Dynamic Stretching?
* American Council on Exercise: What Exercises Can I Do to Help Alleviate Tight Hamstrings?
* Save Your Knees: Hamstring Muscle Injuries
* Project Swole: What Is Dynamic Stretching?
* American Council on Exercise: What Exercises Can I Do to Help Alleviate Tight Hamstrings?
Photo Credit
muscled runner legs image by jimcox40 from
Article reviewed by Samantha Davidson
muscled runner legs image by jimcox40 from
Article reviewed by Samantha Davidson
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